Theatrical Risks

Theatrical Risks

One of the major concerns that Sam Altman raises regarding the development of advanced AI systems like GPT-4 is the potential for "theatrical risks" - dramatic events or failures that could capture public attention and skew perceptions of the technology.

Altman explains that while AI is likely to have far more positive than negative consequences, there will inevitably be some high-profile failures or misuses that could garner outsized attention and concern. Just as the Chernobyl disaster shaped public views on nuclear power, Altman worries that a few "bad climax scenes" could overshadow the broader positive impacts of AI.


The challenge, according to Altman, is that humans seem to be wired to worry more about rare, dramatic risks than more common but gradual harms. This could lead to AI development becoming highly politicized, with different ideological factions seizing on any missteps.

To mitigate these theatrical risks, Altman emphasizes the importance of transparency and public engagement from AI developers like OpenAI. He suggests that companies should be proactive in defining the expected behavior of their models and acknowledging potential failure modes, rather than waiting for problems to arise.

Step 1

Altman believes that one key approach is to be more iterative in the release of advanced AI systems, rather than delivering major, unexpected leaps. This allows the public and policymakers to gradually adapt to the technology's progress, rather than being shocked by sudden breakthroughs.

Step 2

Additionally, Altman stresses the need for robust governance structures that can withstand pressure and scrutiny, rather than having a single individual or company in control. Proper governance and the involvement of governments will be crucial to ensuring the responsible development of AGI.

By being proactive, transparent, and thoughtful about the potential risks, Altman hopes to navigate the "theatrical" challenges of advanced AI in a way that ultimately benefits humanity. The future of AI remains both exciting and complex, requiring careful consideration of these issues.

[Diagram to be made of potential theatrical risks and mitigation strategies]